
Main Focus of EMotionS

  • Movement analysis in music-related illnesses
  • Movement analysis in human dysfunctions related to postural and craniocervical mandibular dysfunctions


Contact person

Prof. Dr. med. Christoff Zalpour
Telefon: 0541 969-3246
E-Mail: c.zalpour@hs-osnabrueck.de

Project Leader

Prof. Dr. med. Christoff Zalpour
Telefon: 0541 969-3246
E-Mail: c.zalpour@hs-osnabrueck.de

Postal Address

凤凰体育 Osnabrück
Fakult?t Wirtschafts- und Sozialwissenschaften
Prof. Dr. med. Christoff Zalpour
Postfach 1940
49009 Osnabrück