Sustainability Management


Faculty of Agricultural Science and Landscape Architecture


Version 1 of 01.02.2023.

Module identifier


Module level


Language of instruction


ECTS credit points and grading


Module frequency

only summerterm


1 semester



Brief description

The modul "Sustainability Management" transfer the knowledge of sustainability concepts and instruments to improve social, oecological and economic aspects in companies and organisations in the agri-food chain. It is important to have knowledge in sustainability and an important strategic topic to develop companies and organisation to be up-to-date.

Teaching and learning outcomes

  • historical development of sustainability
  • law for sustainability
  • from environment to sustainability management
  • specific norms for enivornmental and sustainability management like EMAS, ISO 14001, ISO 26000
  • sustainability in the agri-food chain and development of sustainability strategies in enterprises
  • classification of sustainability
  • Life Cycle Cost Assessment
  • Development of the topic sustainability and digitalisation 

Overall workload

The total workload for the module is 150 hours (see also "ECTS credit points and grading").

Teaching and learning methods
Lecturer based learning
Hours of workloadType of teachingMedia implementationConcretization
Lecturer independent learning
Hours of workloadType of teachingMedia implementationConcretization
30Preparation/follow-up for course work-
10Study of literature-
30Exam preparation-
Graded examination
  • Written examination or
  • Written electronical examination or
  • oral exam or
  • Oral presentation, with written elaboration
Remark on the assessment methods

standard form of the exam: writing exam (2 hours)

A listed alternative form of the exam may have to be elected by the examiner and in this case announced at the beginning of the course.

Exam duration and scope

writing exam (2 hours)

Recommended prior knowledge

modul: Quality Management and Quality Assurance

Knowledge Broadening

.. have a complete and integrated knowledge about sustainability management and they can distinguish different approaches, concepts and norms with there specific aims. Next to this point they can transfer there knowledge into the practical working world, because case studies will be content of the modul.

Knowledge deepening

... know regulations, which are relevant for sutainability. They get knowledge about the sustainability management and get information, which they can integrate into there working area, they can categorize actual developments and can analyse the content.

instrumental competence

... they can develop connections between the organisation of the company and other management systems. They know the integrated approach between sustainability and quality and workers safety and they can transfer there knowledge into practice

communicative competence

... they can critical analyse the sustainability requirements, to develop solutions and behaviour strategies

systematic competence

... they can develop actions, which develop sustainability in companies and food related organisations. The continious improvement is the basic for systematic analytics and to develop digitalisation and the calculation of Life Cycle Cost Assessment.

Knowledge Understanding

The students can discuss actual developments in sustainability with there knowledge and they can reflect the implmentation of the knowledge into organisation.

Application and Transfer

Students can integrate and develop there knowledge in sustainability concepts in companies and organisation.

Academic Innovation

The students develop innovative concepts and models with there new knowledge.

Communication and Cooperation

The students can present there developed models structured and can advance their view of the topic.

Academic Self-Conception / Professionalism

The students can reflect topics of sustainbility.activities in companies and organisations and their own activities in sustainability critical.


Krieger-Güss, St. & Hannus, Th. (2023). Qualit?tsmanagement in der Lebensmitelindustrie. Behr's Verlag Hamburg

Pude, I. (2017). Nachhaltigkeit. UVK Verlagsgesellschaft, Konstanz

Rogall, H. & Gapp-Schmeling, K. (2021). Nachhaltige ?konomie. Band 1: Grundlagen des nachhaltigen Wirtschaftens, Metropolis, Marburg

weitere Literatur wird w?hrend der Veranstaltung bekannt gegeben

Linkage to other modules

  • Quality Management / Quality Assurance
  • Quality Managment in the Food Sector
  • Occupational Safety and Health Protection
  • Integrated Management Systems

Applicability in study programs

  • Home Economics and Nutritional Sciences
    • Home Economics and Nutrition Sciences B.Sc. (01.09.2025)

    Person responsible for the module
    • Krieger-Güss, Stephanie
    • Krieger-Güss, Stephanie