Artistic Minor Subject (Jazz) II


Institute of Music


Version 6.0 of 04/09/2021

Code of Module


Modulename (german)

Künstlerisches Nebenfach (Jazz) II

Study Programmes

Musikerziehung - Jazz (B.A.)

Level of Module


Responsible of the Module

Weber, Florian

  • Hartkamp, Anne
  • Schimmeroth, Alexa-Kim
  • Wahl, Andreas
  • Niescier, Angelika
  • Seifert, Achim
  • Jasper, Burkhard
  • Thomé, Christian
  • Schoenefeldt, Christian
  • Donker, Gerold
  • Alony, Efrat
  • K?ster, Frederik
  • Wingold, Frank
  • Duppler, Lars
  • Held, Pablo
  • Gramss, Sebastian
  • Tander, Simin
  • Schulze, Stephan Jochen
  • Rückert, Thomas
  • Winck, Volker


Concept of Study and Teaching
Workload Dozentengebunden
Std. WorkloadLehrtyp
Workload Dozentenungebunden
Std. WorkloadLehrtyp
Recommended Reading

Bei der angegebenen Literatur handelt es sich um eine Auswahl, die in den entsprechenden Einzelunterricht-凤凰体育 kursintern erg?nzt werden:
1) Mark Levine: The Jazz Theory Book
2) Michele Weir: Vocal Improvisation
3) J. Aebersold diverse
4) Jazzguitar Comping, Barry Galbraith / Aebersold
5) Reading Studies for Guitar, William G.Leavitt / Berklee
6) Pentatonics, Jazzline, Developing a Jazzlanguage, Jerry Bergonzi / Advance
7) Realbooks/Omnibook/557 Jazzstandards - From Swing to Bop
8) Jazztheoriebuch, Frank Sikora / Schott
9) How to Improvise, Hal Crook / Advance
10) Jim McNeely: Claire Fisher: Sher Music:
11) Jim Mc Neely David Liebman: Antonio Adolfo : 'The art of comping', 'Harmonic exercises',
12) Kenny Werner: 'Effortless mastery'
13) Charlie Parker - Omnibook
14) Paul Chambers - The Music of Paul Chambers
15) Simandl - Kontrabass-Schule
16) Simandl - Etüden
17) D. Baker: The Jazz Style of Sonny Rollins
18) Jerry Coker: Patterns for Jazz
19) Oliver Nelson: Improvisations- und Stilübungen
20) Jerry Bergonzi: Melodische Strukturen
21) Jerry Bergonzi: Jazz Line
22) D. Baker: The Jazzstyle of Cannonball Adderley
23) D. Baker: The Jazzstyle of John Coltrane
24) Jazz Artist Series (Don Sickler): The Artistry of John Coltrane
25) John Riley: The Art of Bop Drumming
26) John Pickering: Studio/Jazz Drum Cookbook
27) Dave Weigert: Workshop for Bass and Drums
28) George Lawrence Stone: Stick Control
29) Charlie Wilcoxon: 150 Rudimental Solos
30) Charlie Wilcoxon: Modern Rudimental Swing Solos

Graded Exam

Examination of Artistic Qualification

Examination Requirements

2 Terms

Module Frequency

Winter and Summer Term

Language of Instruction
