The central theme of the internal research project “MusikPhysioAnalysis” is the execution of a systematically fundamental movement analysis of the pathological movement patterns belonging to musicians with and without musicians’ associated illnesses aided by instrumental and manual finding methods. This is done using available and developing infrastructure resources belonging to two faculties of the Osnabrück University of Applied Sciences, the Business Management and Social Sciences (WiSo) and Engineering and Computer Science (IuI) faculty, as well as the Institute of Music and the Institute of Applied Physiotherapy and Osteopathy (INAP/O).
Based on this information subgroups are evaluated to develop the most effective physiotherapeutic strategy concerning the treatment of musicians’ associated illnesses. This strategy involves the instruments as well as the different realities of life, such as gender-, diversity- and intercultural aspects and the various resulting needs regarding the playing of an instrument.
Based on these research results an instrument-specific prevention concept will be developed by the end of the funding period.
Vom 29.06.-02.07.2017 fand das 35. Internationale Symposium der Performing Arts Medicine Association (PAMA) in Snowmass/Aspen, USA statt. Die 凤凰体育 Osnabrück wurde durch Prof. Dr. Nikolaus Ballenberger und Prof. (in Verw.) Dirk M?ller vertreten. Im Mittelpunkt standen dabei Pr?sentationen der Osnabrücker Forschungsgruppe (Vortr?ge und Poster), aber auch die Vernetzung mit internationalen Experten aus dem Bereich der Musikermedizin. Es konnten im Laufe der Konferenztage neue Kontakte geknüpft und schon bestehende Kooperationen weiter vertieft werden.
Dr. Marc Brodsky (Stamford/CN, USA), Pr?sident der Performing Arts Medicine Association (PAMA, und Prof. Dr. med. Christoff Zalpour (凤凰体育 Osnabrück, ebenfalls Vorstandsmitglied PAMA) haben gemeinsam den workshop: "Performing Arts Medicine: Preventing Injuries and Restoring Resillience in Musicians" auf dem World Congress Integrative Medicine & Health am 04.05.2017 in Berlin gehalten.
During the 7th and 8th of April 2017 the 5th annual conference of the Austrian Association for Music and Medicine (?GfMM) took place in Vienna with the cooperation of the University of Music and Performing Arts Vienna’s (MDW) Department for Music Physiology. The Osnabrück University of Applied Sciences was also present with a number of lectures, poster presentations and workshops. Christoff Zalpour, Dirk M?ller, Eduard Wolf, Heike Schemmann and Camilla Kapitza presented the internal research project MusikPhysioAnalysis’ results.
During the 17th and 18th of November the 1st Research Symposium Physiotherapy in Bochum was held in the University for Health Bochum, to which the newly founded German Society for Physiotherapy Science (DGPTW) invited. A numerous amount of lectures concerning different subjects out of the physiotherapy area were presented and Professor Christoff Zalpour, Nikolaus Ballenberger and Dirk M?ller presented results out of the current musicians’ medicine research project MusikPhysioAnalysis.
The next Research Symposium Physiotherapy will take place on the 16th and 17th of November 2017 in the Osnabrück University of Applied Sciences.
Dr. Sonia Ranelli (Curtin University Perth/Australia) conducted a workshop about Musicians’ Physiotherapy - Assessment & Management of upper limb problems. The training course was aimed at physiotherapist, especially those working with musicians (instrumentalists, singers, and dancers) or are interested in this field. The workshop focused on work with instrumentalists, in particular those with hand problems.
During the winter semester 16/17 a block week under the name “Musicians‘ physiotherapy- Sustainability for a lifelong performance” was held.
Prof. Christoff Zalpour and Dirk M?ller, research assistants and clinical experts Nadine Rensing, Heike Schemmann and Camilla Kapitza, as well as the Australian guest scientist Dr. Sonia Ranelli, who currently works as a PostDoc-scholar in the work group Osnabrück, invited to a clinical and scientific dispute concerning this subject.
During five days lectures of the area musicians’ physiotherapy were offered:
- Clinical cases instrumentalists and singers (Diagnosis and assessment)
- Introduction in music physiology and musicians medicine focusing on neurophysiology, epidemiology and musicians’ physiotherapy.
- Labday: Basics of biomechanical assessment procedures in the context of musicians’ specific problems.
- Musicians‘ specific workout und exercises
- Clinical cases musicians (treatment and prevention)
On the 7th and 8th of October Christoff Zalpour, Brigitte Tampin, Dirk M?ller, Nadine Rensing, Eduard Wolf and Heike Schemmann visited the 15th Symposium of the German Association for Music Physiology and Musicians' Medicine (DGfMM). The group presented the first research results of the internal research project MusikPhysioAnalysis on seven posters and experienced an active technical exchange with national and international participants of the symposium.
The Osnabrückers were accompanied by Dr. Sonia Ranelli of the Curtin University Perth / Australia, who worked as a guest scientist from July until December 2016 in Osnabrück together with the MusikPhysioAnalysis team. Dr. Ranelli is a specialist for neuromuscular skeletal illnesses of child and young musicians and worked with them since 2012.
Katri Isom?ki, a finnish physiotherapy student who studies in the Osnabrück University of Applied Sciences during the winter semester 2016/17, was also in Berlin. She is a cellist and will actively experience and work in the university’s various fields of physiotherapy.
29.07.2016: ?MusikPhysioAnalysis“ – Fast Forward Science 2016
Every professional football team is cared for by a professional physiotherapist. Professional musicians don’t have this support, even though multiple studies state that for instance a big part of the musicians in orchestras have muscular skeletal problems. For the research project MusikPhysioAnalysis of the Osnabrück University of Applied Sciences interdisciplinary scientists out of the area physiotherapy, music and computer science are working together. Their aim is to develop an effective physiotherapeutic strategy for the treatment of musicians’ associated illnesses with the help of modern technology and evaluated data.
From the 18th until the 22nd of July four members of the research project Osnabrück concerning musicians’ physiotherapy attended the Congreso Internacional - Enfermedades y Rehabilitación de Profesionales del Arte 2016 in Havana, Cuba. The Osnabrück University of Applied Sciences was seen as the home of an internationally recognised research group in the field of musicians’ health. This was emphasised on the meeting of the group members Camilla Kapitza (INAP/O), Christoff Zalpour, Nikolaus Ballenberger and Dirk M?ller with the German state secretary Hans-Joachim Fuchtel of the Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ), which took place by his invitation on the 17th of July in Havana.
During the 18th of July Christoff Zalpour was also a part of the BMZ’s German delegation and participated in a meeting in the Centro Nacional de Ortopedia, in which the opportunity to exchange opinions with Dra. Maritza Leiva occurred, who is a part of the Cuban Ministry of Health and responsible for the countrywide rehabilitation and physiotherapy.
The importance of a scientific cooperation between German and Cuban universities was also emphasised in a discussion by Christoff Zalpour and Nikolaus Ballenberger with the German Ambassador in Havana S.E. Thomas Neisinger on the 19th of July 2016. Due to the fact that cooperation has been very rare until now it is even more remarkable that the Osnabrücker physiotherapy has collaborated so actively.
The first results out of the internal research project MusikPhysioAnalysis were internationally presented on the 34th International Performing Arts Medicine Symposium in New York City, USA, which took place from the 7th – 10th of July. Six members of the work group presented interim results and practical courses of action in a number of lectures, workshops and one poster.
Due to the Symposium of the German Association for Music Physiology and Musicians' Medicine (DGfMM) Nadine Rensing and Heike Schemmann could report about die possibility of a physiotherapeutic clinical examination and treatment of a violin player’s shoulder.
This was a contribution towards the interdisciplinary work group movement under the supervision of Alexandra Türk-Espitalier. It was followed by a plenum discussion by representatives of different musicians’ health disciplines, in which they introduced and discussed various approaches of examination and treatment.
Prof. Dr. med. Christoff Zalpour and Heike Schemmann were invited as speakers for the Unfallkasse North Rhine-Westphalia’s seminar about work safety and health protection in the theatre on the 22nd and 23rd of September 2015.
Prof. Zalpour talked about the relevance of musicians’ medicine and musicians’ physiology as well as the epidemiology of musicians’ illnesses. He additionally presented the physiotherapeutic musicians’ consultation hour for instrumentalists and singers by the Institute of Applied Physiotherapy and Osteopathy (INAP/O) of the Osnabrück University of Applied Sciences. This was followed by Heike Schemmann’s description of a physiotherapeutic treatment for singers using an example case out of the physiotherapeutic consultation hour for singers.
Dr. Bronwen Ackermann from the University of Sydney, Australia, is an internationally renowned expert of movement analysis for music associated illnesses and visited the Osnabrück University of Applied Sciences as a cooperation partner of the internal research project MusikPhysioAnalysis from the 1st until the 6th of June 2015.
After being greeted by the vice president and dean Prof. Dr. Sabine Eggers she took part in the movement laboratory’s experiments, planning meetings of the complete working group and offered a two day intensive workshop about posture control and examination of instrumentalists’ hands for students and external experts.
Dale Rickert, PhD (Brisbane/Berlin) also took part in the interdisciplinary group meetings as a cellist and musicologist.
In the course of five successful days of the Hannover Exhibition in 2015 the internal research project MusikPhysioAnalysis presented itself together with Velamed on the Lower Saxony communal booth.
Picture caption: Sports scientist Dirk M?ller and Prof. Dr. Christoff Zalpour with Lower Saxony’s Minister of Economy Olaf Lied by the exhibition booth.
- M?ller D, Ballenberger N, Ackermann B, Zalpour C: The potential relevance of altered muscle activity and fatigue in the development of performance-related musculoskeletal injuries in high string musicians. 10th ASPAH Conference 2018. Sofitel Wentworth Sydney, Australia 01./02.12.2018
M?ller D, Ballenberger N, Ackermann B, Zalpour C: Der Zusammenhang von muskul?rer Aktivit?t, Ermüdung und Schmerz bei Musikern am Beispiel der hohen Streicher*innen. Therapie on Tour 2018, Bochum 28./29.09.2018
- M?ller D, Ballenberger N, Ackermann B, Zalpour C: The potential relevance of altered muscle activity and fatigue in the development of performance-related musculoskeletal injuries in high string musicians. 2. Internationaler Kongress zur Musikergesundheit 2018. 凤凰体育 Osnabrück 06.-08.09.2018
- M?ller D, Ballenberger N, Ackermann B, Zalpour C: The potential relevance of altered muscle activity and fatigue in the development of performance-related musculoskeletal injuries in upper musicians. 36th Annual PAMA International Symposium 2018. Chapman University, Orange, CA, USA 30.06.-03.07.2018
- M?ller D, Zalpour C, Ackermann B: Die Elektromyographie in der Bewegungsanalyse bei hohen Streichern: Muskelaktivit?t und Bewegungsmuster in Abh?ngigkeit von Schmerz und Ermüdung. 33. Jahrestagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Musikpsychologie ?Musik und Bewegung" 2017. Universit?t Hamburg 15.-17.09.2017
- Wolf E, M?ller D, Zalpour C: Markerbasierte Methode für die kinematische 3D-Messung des Oberk?rpers bei hohen Streichern. 5. Jahrestagung der ?sterreichischen Gesellschaft für Musik und Medizin (?GfMM) ?MUSIK ± LEIDENSCHAFT“; Universit?t für Musik und darstellende Kunst Wien. Wien, ?sterreich. 07.-08.04.2017
- M?ller M, Zalpour C, Ackermann B: Die Elektromyographie in der Bewegungsanalyse bei hohen Streichern - Muskelaktivit?t und Bewegungsmuster in Abh?ngigkeit von Schmerz und Ermüdung. Jahrestagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Musikpsychologie 2017 ?Musik und Bewegung". Universit?t Hamburg, 15.-17.09.17
- Ballenberger N, Zalpour C: Physical and Psychological Health Profile of Music Students - a Cohort Study. 34th International Performing Arts Medicine Symposium; Weill Cornell Medical Center - New York Presbyterian. New York City, USA 09.07.2016
- Ballenberger N, Zalpour C: Physical and Psychological Health Profile of Music Students - a Cohort Study. Congreso Internacional Enfermedades y Rehabilitación de Profesionales del Arte; Palacio de Convenciones de la Habana. Havanna, Kuba, 20.07.2016
- Kapitza, C: Manual Therapy as an effective Approach to Playing-related Musculoskeletal Problems in Musicians. Congreso Internacional Enfermedades y Rehabilitación de Profesionales del Arte; Palacio de Convenciones de la Habana. Havanna, Kuba 21.07.2016
- M?ller D, Ackermann B, Zalpour C: Muscle Balance and Motion Patterns - Design of a Multicentre EMG Study of Muscle Activity in Instrumentalists. 34th International Performing Arts Medicine Symposium; Weill Cornell Medical Center - New York Presbyterian. New York City, USA 08.07.2016
- M?ller D, Schemmann H, Zalpour C: Lecture of Music Physiology at the University of Applied Sciences Osnabrueck, Germany. 34th International Performing Arts Medicine Symposium; Weill Cornell Medical Center - New York Presbyterian. New York City, USA 09.07.2016
- M?ller D, Ackermann B, Zalpour C: Muscle Fatigue and Motion Patterns - First Results of a Pilot-study; Congreso Internacional Enfermedades y Rehabilitación de Profesionales del Arte; Palacio de Convenciones de la Habana, Havanna, Kuba 21.07.2016
- Rensing N, Schemann H, Zalpour C: Musculoskeletal Demands in Violin and Viola Playing. 34th International Performing Arts Medicine Symposium; Weill Cornell Medical Center - New York Presbyterian. New York City, USA 08.07.2016
- Zalpour C, Ballenberger N: INAP/O - A special Physical Therapy Outpatient Clinic for Musicians - the next 356 patients. 34th International Performing Arts Medicine Symposium; Weill Cornell Medical Center - New York Presbyterian. New York City, USA 07.07.2016
- Zalpour C: Musicians Physiotherapy and Medicine in Germany History and current Status. Congreso Internacional Enfermedades y Rehabilitación de Profesionales del Arte; Palacio de Convenciones de la Habana. Havanna, Kuba, 21.07.2016
- Zalpour C: Musikerphysiotherapie – aktuelle Entwicklungen und Tendenzen in der Musikermedizin. Unfallkasse NRW – Erfahrungsaustausch für Fachkr?fte für Arbeitssicherheit, Betriebs?rzte die das Theater betreuen. Mercure-Hotel Hamm 10.11.15
- Zalpour C: Musik darf nicht krankmachen – aktuelle Erkenntnisse und Entwicklungen zur Pr?vention von Beschwerden und Erkrankungen von Musikern. Unfallkasse NRW – Arbeitssicherheit und Gesundheitsschutz im Theater, Burg Hotel Blomberg 23.09.15
- Winter L, Zalpour C, Ranelli S: Selected physical charasteristics and playing related musculoskleletal problems (PRMP) in German adolescent string instrumentalists; Musicians Health & Performance; 2nd Conference, Odense/D?nemark; 10.06.2015
- Zalpour C, Ballenberger N: Physiotherapeutic clinic for musicians health at the INAP/O – the importance and prevalence of neuromuscular problems and how to treat them adequately; Musicians Health & Performance; 2nd Conference, Odense/D?nemark; 12.06.2015
- M?ller D, Lersch C: Sensor controlled muscle function diagnosis in musicians? health. 2. Internationaler Kongress zur Musikergesundheit 2018. 凤凰体育 Osnabrück 06.-08.09.2018
- M?ller D, Ackermann B: Neurodynamics and motor control in upper limb problems in musicians - assessment und manual therapy approaches. Congreso Internacional Enfermedades y Rehabilitación de Profesionales del Arte; Centro Nacional de Rehabilitación - Hospital Julio Diaz. Havanna, Kuba 18.07.2016
- Ballenberger N, Zalpour C: Design and planification of a research project of health in the musicians: analysis, methods and strategies. Congreso Internacional Enfermedades y Rehabilitación de Profesionales del Arte; Centro Nacional de Rehabilitación - Hospital Julio Diaz. Havanna, Kuba, 18.07.16
- Kapitza C, Dawson W: Clinical History and Physical Exam in the musicians with Uper Limb Injuries: Systematic Manual Therapy for the treatment of neck pain and epicondylitis in musicians. Congreso Internacional Enfermedades y Rehabilitación de Profesionales del Arte; Centro Nacional de Rehabilitación - Hospital Julio Diaz. Havanna, Kuba, 18.07.16
- Schemmann H: A Physiotherapeutical Approach to Functional Voice Disorders in Singers. 34th International Performing Arts Medicine Symposium; Weill Cornell Medical Center - New York Presbyterian. New York City, USA 07.07.16
M?ller D, Ballenberger N, Ackermann B, Zalpour C: Der Zusammenhang von muskul?rer Aktivit?t, Ermüdung und Schmerz am Beispiel von Musikern. 3. Forschungssymposium der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Physiotherapiewissenschaft 2018. Universit?t zu Kiel 16./17.11.2018
- M?ller D, Ballenberger N, Ackermann B, Zalpour C: Zusammenhang von muskul?rer Aktivit?t und Schmerzen im Rahmen einer zielgruppenspezifischen Gesundheitsversorgung am Beispiel von Musiker*innen. 63. GMDS-Jahrestagung 2018. 凤凰体育 Osnabrück 02.-06.09.2018
- M?ller D, Ballenberger N, Zalpour C: The German version of the musculoskeletal pain intensity and interference questionnaire for musicians (MPIIQM-G). 36th Annual PAMA International Symposium 2018. Chapman University, Orange, CA, USA 30.06.-03.07.2018
- Rensing N, M?ller D, Zalpour C: Motorische Dysfunktion und Behandlung bei Musikern mit fokaler Dystonie. 2. Forschungssymposium Physiotherapie 2017. Osnabrück 16./17.11.2017
- Wolf E, M?ller D, Zalpour C: Das MotionLab der 凤凰体育 Osnabrück für die biomechanische und physiologische Analyse von Instrumentalistinnen und Instrumentalisten. Jahrestagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Musikpsychologie 2017 ?Musik und Bewegung". Universit?t Hamburg, 15.-17.09.2017
- M?ller D, Ackermann B, Zalpour C: Biomechanische Auswirkungen muskul?rer Ermüdung bei hohen Streichern - erste Ergebnisse einer Pilotstudie. 15. Symposium der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Musikphysiologie und Musikermedizin (DGfMM). Berlin 7./8.10.2016
- Zalpour C, Ballenberger N: Die musikerphysiotherapeutische Sprechstunde im INAP/O – Auswertung von 356 konsekutiven Patienten. 15. Symposium der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Musikphysiologie und Musikermedizin (DGfMM). Berlin 7./8.10.2016
- Ballenberger N, Zalpour C: K?rperlicher und psychischer Gesundheitszustand von Osnabrücker Musikstudenten - eine prospektive Kohortenstudie. 15. Symposium der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Musikphysiologie und Musikermedizin (DGfMM). Berlin 7./8.10.2016
- Schemmann H: Muskuloskelettale Messinstrumente für die Haltung und Bewegung von hohen Streichern - eine systematische Literaturrecherche. 15. Symposium der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Musikphysiologie und Musikermedizin (DGfMM). Berlin 7./8.10.2016
- Wolf E, M?ller D, Zalpour C: Development of a Novel Marker Set for the 3D Measurement of Upper Limb Kinematics in Violin and Viola Performance. 34th International Performing Arts Medicine Symposium; Weill Cornell Medical Center - New York Presbyterian. New York City, USA 7.-10.07.2016