Further presentations

  • “A Comparison of the Asian crisis in 1997 and the Euro crisis”, at the Annual Conference 2012 of the Wisconsin Economic Association in Stevens Point / Wisconsin on 9th November 2012
  • ?Change management in higher education institutions“ at the network-meeting “African excellence“ on 17th March 2012 in Windhoek/Namibia
  • ?The Bologna Process and the European Higher Education Area", on 20th February 2012 at the Conference “Strategic and Practical Issues in Higher Education Management“ in Addis Ababa / Ethiopia
  • “Higher education and its funding in the knowledge based society” at the conference “Advancing in the Life Science and Uniting Universities, Corporate and Government Parties” at the University of Massachusetts-Boston on 28th October.2011
  • “The Euro and the crisis in Europe” at the Korea University / Seoul on 14th September.2011
  • ?Managing Higher Education – Lessons learned from Germany“ at Gadjah Mada University / Yogjakarta /Indonesien on 9th March 2011
  • ?Water service delivery in Germany – recent challenges at a research workshop at Nelson Mandela Metropolitan University in Port Elizabeth / South Africa on 9th February 2011.
  • "Organisationsstruktur und -kultur und institutionelle Effektivit?t in 凤凰体育n" (organizational structure and culture and institutional effectiveness in higher education institutions“) at the conference "Herausforderungen und Perspektiven für das Qualit?tsmanagement an 凤凰体育n" (?challenges and perspectives for quality management at higher education institutions“) on 26th November 2010 in Berlin
  • “Governance reforms in higher education and their impact in Europe“ at the DAAD/UNESCO-IIEP-Seminars in Hanoi on 9th November 2010
  • ?How to implement and control an effective internationalization strategy in higher education institutions“ at the MODERN-Peer Learning Workshop on 6th May 2010 in Amsterdam
  • ?External promotion of good governance: the role of political foundations“ at the workshop “African Good Governance Network” on 21th March 2010 in Bonn
  • "Corporate Governance von 凤凰体育n und Wirtschaftsunternehmen - Parallelen und Unterschiede" (engl: ?Corporate governance at higher education institutions and private enterprises – similarities and differences“) at the workshop "Corporate Governance - (k)ein Thema für 凤凰体育n?" (engl: Corporate Governance – no topic for higher education institutions?) at the Cultural Institute Essen, the NRW School of Governance and CHE on 17th November 2009
  • ?Future challenges for universities of applied sciences“, key note speech at the opening of the private university of applied science FHDW in Mettmann on 25th September 2009
  • “Change Management at the FH Osnabrück” at the CHE-Workshop “Change Management at higher education institutions” on 22nd January 2009 in Bielefeld
  • “Different models of institutional governance and management” at the Roundtable “Autonomy in Higher Education: Experiences from Europe and South East Asia” on 26th November 2008 in HoChiMinh City University / Vietnam
  • ?The social dimension of ASEM – contributing to shaping globalisation“, Keynote speech at the 1. ASEM Sozial partner forum on 30th June 2008 in Brussels / Belgium
  • ?Networking: Chances, problems and challenges“, Vortrag im Rahmen des DIES International Deans’ course South East Asia am 13. Mai 2008 in Berlin
  • ?Hochschulreform in Südkorea und die Transformation der Hochschulsteuerung“, (engl.: ?Higher education reforms in South Korea and the transformation of higher education management“), Vortrag im Rahmen des Workshops ?Institutionen in der Entwicklung Ostasiens“ am 5. M?rz 2008 an der Evangelischen Akademie in Tutzing
  • ?Regional policy in the EU – challenges for a Union with 27 members“ at Korea University in Seoul, on 15th November 2007
  • ?University Governance, quality management and stakeholders“, Lecture at the Kumasi National University of Science and Technology on 4th October 2007