Bachelor of Vocational Education – Metals Engineering (B.Sc.)
Program structure
Structure of the program
The standard period of study of the Bachelor of Vocational Training – Metals Engineering part-time degree program is six semesters with a scope of 180 ECTS credit points.
The degree program Bachelor of Vocational Education - Metals Engineering is comprised of an optional general educational subject degree program as well as the vocational and business education with teaching practice.
At the Osnabrück University of Applied Sciences location, the degree program is offered jointly by the Osnabrück University of Applied Sciences and the University of Osnabrück.
The content and time weighting of the three major fields of study shifts during the course of the six-semester degree program: In the first and second semester, the content and time focus of the degree program are in the vocational field of Metals Engineering and thus at the Osnabrück University of Applied Sciences.
From the third semester, the timing and content course contents equalize at the University of Applied Sciences and the University.
In the fourth and fifth semesters, the general practical school studies round out the degree program with a five-week practical phase at a vocational school.
In the sixth semester the thesis is to be completed.
The degree program concludes with a Bachelor of Science (B.Sc.) title.