Business Administration and Sustainable Management (B.A.), dual, Campus Lingen (Ems)

Program overview

Degree program Business Administration (dual), compact

Degree titel, German


Degree titel, Englisch

Business Administration

Language of instruction

German, in single (optional)modules also English – level B2 of the English language is recommended

Working language

German is generally spoken in the company, depending on the enterprise, it can also be English or another language (for example in international groups or during temporary stays abroad as part of the practice-based training)

University degree to be awarded

Bachelor of Arts (B.A.)

Type of study

Dual, job integrated bachelor's program (180 ECTS)

Standard period of study

6 semester (1 semester = 6 months)

Start of studies

Winter semester (1st August) 


Lingen (Ems) 

Semester fee

A semester fee corresponding to the current tariff is to be paid each semester. Further information can be found on the website concerning the semester fees. Furthermore, for the additional expense of a dual degree program, the cooperating businesses contribute to the funding with an additional fee per semester and student.

Application deadline

Applications must be submitted to the cooperating companies (there are specific deadlines for applicants with foreign degrees, please see Bewerbungstermine Uni Assist).

Application restriction


Entrance requirements

Applicants must have a certificate of an entrance qualification for universities of applied sciences, Abitur or equivalent. Furthermore, a study-cooperation-agreement arranged with a qualified cooperating firm has to be ensured over the entire course of the bachelor’s program. An exemplary agreement can be requested at the Office of Students and Company Support (please see contact details below).

Vocational placement / practical phase of studies


Specialization options

Specialization in one of the following areas of study:

  • Controlling
  • Human Resource Management
  • Logistics
  • Marketing
  • Corporate Governance
  • Health Care Management 
  • Taxation


Examples of employers/industries

Many doors are open to students in the field of business administration. The wide-ranging study program enables them to work in various companies and industries. The graduates work in industrial and craft businesses as well as in retail and service companies in the following areas, among others:

  • Logistics 
  • Human resource management 
  • Controlling
  • Market investigation and marketing
  • Advisory support in a tax chancery
  • (Strategic) distribution
  • Healthcare



Office of Students and Company Support
Phone: +49 (0)591 80098-739

Julia Biedendieck
Phone: +49 (0)591 80098-733