International Management (B.A.)
Bachelor of Arts
Für ein weltweites Management: dein Studium mit globaler Perspektive
Du m?chtest die globale Wirtschaft verstehen, in internationalen Teams und an weltweiten Projekten arbeiten?
Unser englischsprachiger Bachelorstudiengang International Management bringt Menschen aus aller Welt zusammen und bereitet dich optimal auf die globale Wirtschaft vor. In zukunftsf?higen und praxisnahen Modulen lernst du, verantwortungsvolle Entscheidungen im Sinne unternehmerischer und gesellschaftlicher Nachhaltigkeit zu treffen – alles in einer pers?nlichen Atmosph?re. Durch unsere Auswahl an verschiedenen Fremdsprachen und das integrierte Auslandssemester an einer unserer über 100 Partnerhochschulen weltweit baust du deine internationalen Kompetenzen aus.
Eine globalisierte Welt braucht gut geführte Unternehmen. Als Manager*in im internationalen Umfeld tr?gst du zu globaler Zusammenarbeit sowie Fortschritt bei und meisterst betriebswirtschaftliche, gesellschaftliche und ?kologische Herausforderungen.
Starte jetzt das Studium, das dich auf eine internationale Karriere vorbereitet und entdecke die M?glichkeiten, wie du die Welt von morgen mitgestalten kannst!
ILO | Definition | Type |
ILO 01: Business Fundamentals | Internalise principles of international management, develop a solid understanding of the interplay between functions and units within an international firm and cultivate business acumen. Apply scientific frameworks to understand and master business challenges in practice. | Knowledge Skills |
ILO 02: Global Opportunity Seeking | Explore worldwide trends, investigate local/regional phenomena, forecast their impacts and design business proposals for leveraging them. Recognise global market dynamics and review the interdependencies within and between companies for appropriateness. | Knowledge Skills Behaviours |
ILO 03: Evidence-based Problem Solving | Approach problems in a structured and self-reflected way. Identify and compile relevant pieces of information, analyse data with scientific methods, develop conclusive recommendations and implement them in practice. Communicate effectively and defend decisions and positions, also in foreign languages. | Knowledge Skills Behaviours |
ILO 04: Holistic Decision-Making | Evaluate all available options responsibly along multiple dimensions and against highest ethical standards. Involve stakeholders in open dialogues to facilitate sustainable decisions and maximize long-term value for all parties involved. | Skills Behaviours |
ILO 05: Agile and Resilient Mindset | Deal with uncertainty and develop tolerance for ambiguity. Adopt responsive and flexible practices to manage international business and people matters. | Attitudes Behaviours |
ILO 06: Boundary Spanning | Liaise with internal and external stakeholders and collaborate with them to create value whilst using resources sustainably. Inspire others for teamwork across borders and cultures. Withstand conflicts and moderate to resolve them. Embrace diversity as a powerful source of value creation. | Skills Attitudes Behaviours |
Die Fakult?t Wirtschafts- und Sozialwissenschaften ist Mitglied der European Foundation of Management Development (EFMD Global). Die EFMD ist ein führendes internationales Netzwerk von Wirtschaftshochschulen und Firmen, welches Exzellenz in der Management-Ausbildung und in der Entwicklung von Business Schools weltweit f?rdert.
International Management aus Sicht der Studierenden
Studiengang auf einen Blick
- Abschluss
Bachelor of Arts (B.A.)
- Studienform
- Studienbeginn
Wintersemester und Sommersemester
- Regelstudienzeit
6 Semester
- Zulassungsbeschr?nkung
- Standort
Osnabrück – Caprivi-Campus
Das Studium qualifiziert dich zur Junior-Manager*in in allen Bereichen eines international t?tigen Unternehmens oder in einer internationalen Organisation.
Unsere Absolvent*innen arbeiten u.a. erfolgreich bei:
- weltweit t?tigen Konzernen wie regionalen Firmen
- Industrieunternehmen
- Handelsunternehmen
- Dienstleistungsunternehmen wie zum Beispiel Banken, Unternehmensberatungen, Verananstaltungsagenturen
- Internationalen Organisationen
Selbstverst?ndlich kannst du mit dem Abschluss auch ein weiterführendes Masterstudium aufnehmen.
Auslandsstudiensemester und Highlights im Studium – worauf es Studierenden ankommt
Vier Studierende, ein Absolvent und eine Gaststudentin berichten über ihr Studium International Management. Ein Highlight ist für alle das Auslandssemester: Argentinien, Australien, Gro?britannien, Mexiko, Singapur, Südafrika und Uruguay sind ihre individuellen Ziele. Das Studium erleben sie als praxisnah und sehen das weite Spektrum an Kursen, die individuell zusammengestellt werden k?nnen, als hervorragende Grundlage für ihren Berufseinstieg oder ein sp?teres Masterstudium. In den auf Englisch stattfindenden Vorlesungen haben sie Studierende aus aller Welt kennengelernt und Freundschaften geknüpft. Sie berichten uns, was ihnen noch wichtig ist (teilweise in Englisch).

Ismail El Mir is in his second semester in the summer semester 2022
My educational background is:
First I am a student from Morocco and I have a university diploma in Marketing and a professional bachelor in Business administration in morocco.
Why I have chosen this programme:
I chose this program because its linked to my major which is business and economics and sinceI have the same background I do really want to proceed further in this field and reach my dream job which is to be a university professor. Also I do appreciate that it is offered in English so it gives more opportunities to do lots of researches abroad since programs in English are available in every university - regarding the structure of this program I find it more flexible and rich of important subjects and with good professors that interact with us in positive ways. And the program in general is well structured (since i studied a previous Bachelor I did a comparison and the “IM” program is very rich and good).
Which are the features of the university:
I am also very happy to be a part in this 凤凰体育 because it is considered as one of the best universities in Germany and it is modern, looking at the facilities and the availability of lots of rooms to prepare with different atmospheres so it does not make the student bored by preparing in one place always but he or she has the possibility to change the place: for example the library and the building “SL” and the small preparation rooms “SB”: This is actually so amazing! You never get tired of the same routine and you can always change if you feel tired from preparing in one place always. In general it is an awesome university and I am even more proud to be a part of and I hope I can help in many ways as possible and thank you so much again!

Chihaya Shibata is a visiting student from Japan spending the summer semester 2022 at Osnabrueck University of Applied Sciences
My educational background is:
I am a student from the Meiji University in Japan and I study business management.
The advantages of the International Management programme are:
I could meet many exchange students from different countries which was not possible in my home university. It was really interesting to hear opinions of international students from many aspects.
Why I am studying at the Osnabrück University of Applied Sciences:
The reason I wanted to study at the Osnabrück University Applied Sciences is I wanted to learn business in English with many international students.
How innovative the International Management programme and the lectures are:
I really like lectures of the Osnabrück University of Applied Sciences. Even though the length of time of classes were longer than my home university classes, I was absorbed by the lectures of professors and I forgot the time because many professors in Osnabrück communicated with students a lot during the class.

Sara Flottmann: Marketing-Strategien für den Osnabrücker Zoo
?Ein kleines Highlight war für mich die Blockwoche, die ich dieses Semester im Osnabrücker Zoo verbringen durfte. Wir waren dafür verantwortlich Marketing Strategien für den Zoo zu entwickeln, was mir sehr viel Spa? gemacht hat, da einige dieser Vorschl?ge tats?chlich realisiert werden sollen. Aber auch au?erhalb der 凤凰体育 gab es einige Highlights, wie das ?Terrassenfest‘, die ?Kneipentouren‘ und ?Stadtrallyes‘.“
“One of the highlights was the Blockweek which I spent at Osnabrück Zoo this semester. We were in charge of developing marketing strategies. This was really interesting, because some of the proposals we made will actually be turned into action. Other highlights for me were events like the ‘Terrassenfest’, ‘Kneipentour’ and ‘Stadtrallyes’.”

Herman Angabo Abiyah from Cameroon prepares for running a successful business
“I consider studying IM at the 凤凰体育 Osnabrück as a major step towards attaining my goal of running a successful business in my home country. The program is actually a simulation of what actually happens in the business world. Not only do we learn the theories but also how to apply them. The fact that the instructors in this program have some practical experience on the field makes it more interesting. This to me was a golden decision.
The IM program comprises diversified courses which touch every part of management. It runs from understanding markets, setting up businesses using winning strategies, producing products or services, marketing them and keeping accounts of your finances. Weather you plan to manage an existing business or start something up, this program gives you the background knowledge for that.”

Julia Schr?er: Interesse an Fremdsprachen
?Wenn man Spa? an Fremdsprachen hat und innerhalb seines Bachelor Studiums verschiedene betriebswirtschaftliche Bereiche erst einmal kennenlernen will, ist IM eine sehr gute Wahl."
"The study program IM is a good option for those who are interested in foreign languages and want to get to know different fields of business management.”

Kim-Bojan Sprange enjoys the multicultural environment
“I'm already excited to start working in an international company.”
As highlights of his studies he experienced ?the closeness between the students and the lecturers and the wide range of different opinions about the same subjects.”

Matthias Rodemeier ist jetzt Lehrbeauftragter
Matthias Rodemeier ist nach seinem Abschluss in ?International Management“ zurzeit Lehrbeauftragter für Volkswirtschaftslehre an der 凤凰体育 Osnabrück. Er betont, dass das Studium ?angewandte Betriebswirtschaftslehre mit einer Ausrichtung auf globalen Handel“ kombiniert: ?Vorlesungsinhalte werden fast immer in einen praxisnahen und grenzübergreifenden Kontext gesetzt. Wie in kaum einem anderen Studiengang wird hier au?erdem Wert auf die Vermittlung ausgezeichneter Fremdsprachenkenntnisse gesetzt. Absolventen eignen sich daher besonders als Allrounder in multinationalen Unternehmen.
Da die 凤凰体育 Osnabrück unglaublich viele Partnerschaften mit Universit?ten im Ausland pflegt, ist man st?ndig in Kontakt mit Studenten aus aller Welt. Durch gemeinsame Vorlesungen, Pr?sentationen und Fallstudien kommt man ins Gespr?ch und lernt sich schnell kennen. Viele haben dadurch nicht nur ein Gefühl für den Umgang mit anderen Kulturen entwickelt, sondern auch ihre besten Freundschaften geschlossen.
Mein Auslandssemester habe ich an der Universidad de Guadalajara in Mexiko verbracht und dort Mathematik und Volkswirtschaftslehre studiert. In Osnabrück wurde ich durch intensive Sprachkurse auf den Auslandsaufenthalt vorbereitet und konnte daher in Mexiko problemlos an spanischen Vorlesungen teilnehmen. Die Organisation und Betreuung durch das International Faculty Office der 凤凰体育 Osnabrück verlief ?u?erst unkompliziert und erlaubte mir viele Freiheiten bei der F?cherwahl.“

Taedza Changundega is a visiting student from South Africa
Taedza Changundega experiences 凤凰体育 Osnabrueck as a university for open minded people. “They have managed to build an amazing community that crosses intercultural and racial boundaries. To be able to benefit from studying at Osnabrueck one has to learn to step into the students’ inner circle from day one. This means attending events, meeting new people and simply enjoying casual conversations with diverse students. One must be willing to give and take with respect to language, culture and studies.”
Taedza’s highlight of the semester was the winter language course. “This was the first time I was learning a foreign language. Although it was initially frustrating, I thoroughly enjoyed the concept of learning how to communicate with people who could not understand any other language I could speak. At one point I was surrounded by 36 other nationalities and that made me pleasantly self-conscious about my own language and culture. Having learnt about European history, I was also quite thrilled to see it all come to life in the form of well-preserved monuments throughout Germany and her neighbours.”
At home Taedza is studying Food Technology and hence was accustomed to teaching methods that are practice based. But here in Osnabrueck “I learnt how to deal with international and domestic current affairs in a very unique way. All the modules I attended encouraged me to find out about what was happening globally each day, hence, I found myself more keen to always have updated information. The lecturers encouraged information interchange in such a way I easily became well versed about how the concepts taught were applied differently in other countries.”
Studierende bewerten Bachelorstudieng?nge an der 凤凰体育 Osnabrück mit Bestnoten
Der Aufbau interkultureller Kompetenz und die Zusammenarbeit in diversen Teams ist ein zentrales Anliegen im Studiengang International Management. Im Modul International Human Resource Management (IHRM) wird zusammen mit Kolleginnen der Nelson-Mandela-University schon zum dritten Mal im Sommersemester 2024 ein virtueller Global Classroom durchgeführt: Studierende in International Management erleben in Teams mit ihren Peers in Südafrika interkulturelle Zusammenarbeit und l?sen gemeinsam eine Fallstudie. Die Fallstudie der letzten beiden Jahre wurde soeben im renommierten Handbuch für Social Sustainability in Business Education ver?ffentlicht:
The Palgrave Handbook of Social Sustainability in Business Education

How can a worldwide provider of cutting-edge solutions, headquartered in Lingen, successfully win and integrate talent from all over the world? In their guest lecture on April 17, 2024, Sarah Ketteler and Tobias Stahl from the Rosen Group used humor and many practical examples to show how this can be achieved. “To attract global talent, we must understand which job titles and platforms work in a labor market,” explained Sarah Kettler (Head of Talent Acquisition HR). “Our mobility team helps with all relevant aspects, including visa regulations, health insurance and housing. Pets are a special challenge if candidates come from countries outside Europe”, reported Tobias Stahl from the People Integration & Mobility HR Department. Many questions of the students showed their interest. The guest lecture was organized by Professor Dr. Nicole B?hmer and Professor Dr. Heike Schinnenburg for the course “International Human Resource Management”.
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