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- Wein?mann, R., Baums, D., Cebulla, U., Haisch, H., Kaiser, D., Kühn, E., Lach, E., Satzke, K., Weber, J., Wiedemann, P., and Zielinski, E.; "Polarization-Independent and Ultra-High Bandwidth Electro?absorption Modulator in Multiquantum-Well Deep-Ridge Waveguide Technology"; IEEE Photonics Technology Letters, 1996, vol. 8, pp. 891-893
- Kuebart, W., Kaiser, D., Luz, G., Scherb, J., K?rber, W., Spalthoff, U.: "Optoelektronische Emp?fangsmodule hoher Empfindlichkeit für Hochgeschwindigkeits-?bertragungsstrecken (10 Gbit/s)", ITG Tagung "Mikroelektronik für die Informationstechnik", March 18-19 1996, Chemnitz, Germany
- Satzke, K., Baums, D., Cebulla, U., Haisch, H., Kaiser, D., Lach, E., Kühn, E., Weber, J., Wein?mann, R., Wiedemann, P., and Zielinski, E.; "Ultrahigh-bandwidth (42 GHz) polarisation-inde?pendent ridge waveguide electroabsorption modulator based on tensile strained InGaAsP MQW", Electron. Lett., 1995, vol. 31, pp. 2030-2032
- Kuebart, W., Reemtsma, J.-H., Kaiser, D., Gro?kopf, H., Besca, F., Luz, G., K?rber, W., and Gyuro, I.: "High Sensitivity InP-Based Monolithically Integrated pin-HEMT Receiver-OEIC?s for 10 Gb/s"; IEEE Trans. Microwave Theory Tech., Special Issue on "Microwave and Millimeter-Wave Photonics", vol. 43, pp. 2334-2341, Sept. 1995
- Kuebart, W., Kaiser, D., Gro?kopf, H., Besca, F., Luz, G., Reemtsma, J.-H., Gyuro, I., Conrad, H., Gro?, H., Grotjahn, F.: "Monolithisch integriertes PIN-HEMT-Empf?nger-OEIC mit einer Emp?f?ngerempfindlichkeit von -19.2 dBm bei 10 Gbit/s", ITG Tagung "Optische Teil?nehmer?zu?gangs?netze", March 27-28 1995, Dresden, Germany
- Kaiser, D.: "?ber die Verbesserung der konventionellen Kalibrationsprozedur bei der Netz?werk?analyse von Photodetektoren", ITG Tagung "Me?methoden der optischen 凤凰体育technik", March 8-10 1995, Günzburg, Germany
- Haisch, H., Baums, D., Lach, E., Kaiser, D., Satzke, K., Weber, J., Weinmann, R., Wiedemann, P., and Zielinski, E.: " Record Bandwidth (42 GHz measured) and Polarisation Insensitive (<0.4 dB) Tensile Strained InGaAsP MQW Ridge Waveguide Electroabsorption Modulator for Ultra-High Bitrate TDM Systems"; Proc. 21th European Conference on Optical Communication ECOC, Sept. 17-21, 1995, Brussels, Belgium, post deadline paper, pp. 1007-1010
- Debie, P., Martens, L., Kaiser, D.: "Improved Error Correction Technique for On-Wafer Lightwave Measure?ments of Photodetectors"; IEEE Photonics Technology Letters, 1995, vol. 7, pp. 418-420
- Reemtsma, J.-H., Gro?kopf, H., Besca, F., Kaiser, D., Grotjahn, F., Gyuro, I., Kuebart, W.: "10 Gb/s Monolithically Integrated pin-HEMT Receiver OEIC: Realization and Comparison of Different Circuit Concepts"; IEEE/LEOS Summer Topical Meeting on Integrated Optoelectronics, July 6-8, 1994, Lake Tahoe, NV, USA
- Kuebart, W., Kaiser, D., Gro?kopf, H., Besca, F., Luz, G., Reemtsma, J.-H., Gyuro, I., Conrad, H., Gro?, H., Grotjahn, F.: "Monolithically Integrated InP-based PIN-HEMT Receiver OEIC With a Receiver-Sensitivity of ?19.2 dBm at 10 Gbit/s"; Proc. 20th European Conference on Optical Communication ECOC, Sept. 25-29, 1994, Firenze, Italy, post deadline paper, pp. 79-82
- Kaiser, D., Besca, F., Gro?kopf, H., Gyuro, I., Reemtsma, J.-H., Kuebart, W.: "Noise and Small-Signal Performance of Three Different Monolithic InP-based 10 Gb/s photoreceiver-OEICs"; Electron. Lett., 1994, vol. 30, pp. 2070-2072
- Kaiser, D., Besca, F., Gro?kopf, H., Grotjahn, F., Gyuro, I., Reemtsma, J.-H., Kuebart, W.: "Expe?rimental Comparison of Three Different Circuit Concepts for a Monolithic 10 Gb/s InP-based Re?ceiver-OEIC"; 24th European Microwave Conference, Sept. 5-8, 1994, Cannes, France, A9.6, pp. 1703-1708
- Gro?kopf, H., Besca, F., Grotjahn, F., Gyuro, I., Kaiser, D., Reemtsma, J.-H., Kuebart, W.: "Rea?lization and Performance of Three Different InP-based Receiver OEICs for 10 Gb/s"; 18th WOCSDICE, May 29-June 1, 1994, Kinsale, Ireland
- Reemtsma, J.-H., Gro?kopf, H., Grotjahn, F., Gyuro, I., Kaiser, D., Eisele, H., Kuebart, W.: "10 Gbit/s Monolithically Integrated pin-HEMT Receiver OEIC"; Proc. 5th Int. Conf. InP and Rel. Mat., April 21-23, 1993, Paris, France, post deadline paper, pp. 29-32
- Kuebart, W., Reemtsma, J.-H., Gro?kopf, H., Gyuro, I., Kaiser D., Conrad, H., Gross, H., Grot?jahn, F., Eisele, H.: "Monolithically Integrated 10 Gb/s InP-based Receiver OEICs: Design and Realization"; Proc. 19th European Conference on Optical Communication ECOC, Sept. 12-16, 1993, Montreux, Switzerland, pp. 305-308
- Kaiser, D., Gro?kopf, H., Grotjahn, F., Gyuro, I., Kuebart, W., Reemtsma, J.-H., Eisele, H.: "De-Embedding of On-Wafer Lightwave Measurements Performed on a Monolithic 10 Gb/s InP Re?ceiver OEIC"; 23th European Microwave Conference, Sept. 6-9, 1993, Madrid, Spain, B6.1, pp. 361-363
- Gyuro, I., Kuebart, W., Reemtsma, J.-H., Gro?kopf, H., Grotjahn, F., Kaiser, D., Buchali, F.: "High quality AlInAs, GaAlInAs materials for optoelectronic device purposes"; 6th Biennial Workshop on MOVPE, Malm?, Sweden, June 2?4, 1993
- Gro?kopf, H., Grotjahn, F., Gyuro, I., Kaiser, D., Kuebart, W., Reemtsma, J.-H., Eisele, H.: "Mono?lithically Integrated Front End Receiver on InP Suitable for 10 Gb/s"; 17th WOCSDICE, May 23-26, 1993, Parma, Italy
- Schlereth, K.H., Kühn, E., Laube, G., Kaiser, D., Wünstel, K.: "Device Optimization of Laser and Heterobipolar Transistor for Laser/Driver OEIC"; Proc. 4th Int. Conf. InP and Rel. Mat., April 21-24, 1992, Newport, RI, USA, pp. 477-480
- Reemtsma, J.-H., Gro?kopf, H., Gyuro, I., Kaiser, D., Koerner, U., Kuebart, W.: "InAlAs/InGaAs Heterostructure Field Effect Transistors for an Application in Optoelectronic Receivers"; 16th WOCSDICE, May 25-28, 1992, Madrid, Spain
- Reemtsma, J.-H., Kuebart, W., Gro?kopf, H., Koerner, U., Kaiser, D., Gyuro, I.: "Optimization of InAlAs/InGaAs Heterostructure Field Effect Transistors for an Application in Optoelectronic Re?ceivers"; Proc. 4th Int. Conf. on InP and Rel. Mat., April 21-24, 1992, Newport, RI, USA, pp. 585-588
- Kaiser, D., Gro?kopf, H., Gyuro, I., Koerner, U., Kuebart, W., Reemtsma, J.-H., Eisele, H.: "On-Wafer Characterization, Modelling, and Optimization of InP-based HEMTs, pin-Photodiodes and Monolithic Receiver-OEICs for Fiber-Optic Communication"; Proc. 1992 IEEE International Microwave Symposium MTT-S, June 1-5, 1992, Albuquerque, New Mexico, USA, pp. 567-570
- Reemtsma, J.-H., Gro?kopf, H., Kuebart, W., Koerner, U., Scherb, J., Gyuro, I., Wiedemann, P., Grotjahn, F., Kimmerle, J., Kaiser, D.: "HEMTs and detectors in optoelectronic integrated recei?vers"; 15th WOCSDICE, May 14-17, 1991, Gr?nenbach, Germany
- Laube, G., Kaiser, D., Kühn, E., Speier, P.,Wünstel, K.: "Realization of Transmitter OEICs based on all MOVPE - Concept"; 5th Biennial Workshop on MOVPE, Panama City Beach, FL, USA, April 14-17, 1991
- Kühn, E., Hache, C., Kaiser, D., Laube, G., Speier, P., Tegude, F.-J., Wünstel, K.: "Monolithic Integrated Laser-HBT OEIC for Optical Fibre Communication"; IEEE Int. Workshop on HBT Technology and Applications, Darmstadt, Germany, Feb 26-27, 1991
- Kühn, E., Hache, C., Kaiser, D., Laube, G., Speier, P., Tegude, F.J., Wünstel, K.: "Monolithic Integrated Laser-HBT OEIC for Optical Fibre Communication"; Proc. 3rd Int. Conf. on InP and Rel. Mat., Cardiff, Wales, UK, April 8-11, 1991, pp.419-422
- Kuebart, W., Kühn, E., Schlereth, K.H., Dütting, K., Laube, G., Kaiser, D., Reemtsma, J.H., Gyuro, I., Scherb, J., Grotjahn, F.: "Integration of transmitter and receiver devices for optical communi?cation"; ITG-Colloquium Photonic Devices, Ulm, Germany, April 8-9, 1991
- Kaiser, D., Hache, C., Kühn, E., Laube, G., Luz, G., Schilling, M., Schlereth, K.-H., Wünstel, K.: "Monolithic Integrated Laser-HBT-OEICs"; 15th WOCSDICE, May 14-17, 1991, Gr?nenbach, Germany
- J?ger, D., Block, M., Kaiser, D., Welters, M., von Wendorff, W.: "Wave Propagation Phenomena and Microwave-Optical Interaction in Coplanar Lines on Semiconductor Substrate", J. Electrom. Waves and Appl., 1991, vol. 5, pp. 337-351
- Kaiser, D.: "Koplanarleitungen auf halbleitendem Substrat als Bauelemente für monolithische H?chstgeschwindigkeitsschaltungen", Dissertation, Universit?t Münster, 1990
- Kaiser, D., Block, M. and J?ger, D.: "Optically controlled phase shift of Schottky coplanar lines", Electron. Lett., 1989, vol. 25, pp. 1575-1577
- Kaiser, D., Block, M., Lackmann, U., and J?ger, D.: "Variable phase shift of spatially periodic proton-bombarded Schottky coplanar lines", Electron. Lett., 1989, vol. 25, pp. 1135-1136
- J?ger, D., Gasch, A., and Kaiser, D.: "Small-Signal Second-Harmonic Generation by a Nonlinear Transmission Line (Comments)", IEEE Trans. Microwave Theory Tech., vol. 35, page 76, Jan. 1987
- Kaiser, D.: "Multistabilit?t in nichtlinearen Mikrowellenresonatoren", Diplomarbeit, Universit?t Münster, 1984 siehe auch unter:
Gasch, A., Wedding, B. and J?ger, D.: "Multistability and soliton modes in nonlinear microwave resonators", Appl. Phys. Lett. 44, 1105-1107, 1984